sábado, 16 de mayo de 2015

Welcome to my page!


Here you can to find all about ICT (Information and Communication Technology).
ICT are in all our around and for this is very important that you know of it. 
I hope that this information serves you and like you.

I am

My name is Carolina Villalobos.
I'm 15 yeras old, I'm studying Modern Leanguages at the University ECCI in Bogota-Colombia, in 1DM Group.
When I finish this career, I want travel to Germany and there can study some Engineer career.
I love to read because I like to have knowledge and I guess that the books have it and I like to know about other lenguages too.

ICT Definition

What is ICT?

ICT is all the technology used to handle telecommunications, broadcast media, intelligent building management systems, audiovisual processing and transmission systems, and network-based control and monitoring functions.
Lately Information and Communication Tecnologies have provided society with a wide knowledge about new communication capabilities.

Therefore,Information and Communication Technologies are used to manage information and send it from one place to another. However, these technologies include communication devices as television, cellphones, radio, computer and network software and hardware or satellite systems.

These are also called MODERN ICT, because it help us to we can communicate with others across the world very easily, and for this ICT studies how Modern ICT affect society.
ICT have been touted as potentially powerful enabling tools for education change and reform. These are used in places as in the education, libraries, health, business...

Finally, ICT can be confusing for some people because it is complex and quickly changing but is very important learn it then it is so pervasive in the modern world that many people have some understanding of it and this can cause problems if you don't know how use it properly.

ICT's Types:

  • Networks: Broadband, television networks, the fixed telephony service and mobile telephony.
  • Terminals: Laptop computer, computer's systems, video games, cellphones and TVs.
  • ICT's Services: E-mail address, mobile services, e-business, e-government, online video games, online movies, web page and blogs.

                            ¡The following video can help you to have more knowledge about ICT!

    Places where is ICT

    Where can we find ICT?

    Information and Communication Technology is in the following places:


    ICT helps to get to universal access to education, equity in education and training to  the teachers for a better education and with this achieve to bring a quality learning and teaching and finally a more efficient education management.

    • Advantages:

    1. ICT helps to the teachers are creatives to realize their class and which could improve students attendance and concentration.
    2. Through ICT, the teachers can easily explain complex topics and ensure student's comprehension.
    3. With ICT you can utilize images in your class and improving the retentive memory of your students. 

    • Disadvantages:

    1. For the teachers can be a little hard to use with a lack of experience using ICT tools.
    2. These tools are expensive to afford.
    If you want  know more about ICT in education, you can see the video:


    The technology has affected to the medicine from a  lot of  years ago, but now ICT has a big change in the health, helping to perfect it. In the medicine is used ICT for ease of storing and retrieving data, performing statistical analysis and access to gigantic medical research engines through the internet. 
    Moreover it helps to the Medicine's students. It is being integrated into medical education as an effective tool for teaching, learning and allowing access to a wider variety quantity of information and research and to do  practices virtual simulators.


    ICT in the industry helps to drive digital innovation today for the future, it also makes a important contribution to the economic growth and in overall productivity growth of country.
    It is engaged in:

    • Producing, selling and supporting computing and communications equipment, peripherals and components (computers, cellular phones, networking equipment, telecommunications equipment, telephony products, smart phones, printers, scanners, computer chips, etc.)
    • Producing, selling and supporting software for computing and communications equipment and enterprise and user systems (operating systems, enterprise applications, user applications)
    • Providing, selling and supporting computing, information, communications, software and hardware services (cable and telecom service providers, value added service providers, management services, value added resellers, call center operations, help desk, etc.)


    Thanks to ICT, in the companies new business models have emerged, as have new types entrepreneurship and news forms of leadership. If you well used ICT you can produce more quantity, faster and better quality, then it allow you to be competitive in the market.

    Through following ICT's systems you can ease the work to present and sell your products:

    • E-mail:
      With this tool you can send to your customers all the necesary information about your company. (Catalogs, offers, news...)
    • Web Page:
      It helps you to transmit all your company's information to the world and with it other people can easily find you and know your company. 
    • CRM:
      With CRM, you can store customer and prospect contact information, accounts, leads and sales opportunities in one central location, ideally in the cloud so the information is accessible by many, in real time.


    In November 2013 the World Bank released an electronic Sourcebook to initiate better investment in the Agriculture.

    • e-Sourcebook:This book gives you the necesary information for the applying about ICT in poor agriculture. (Examples, Case studies about it, lessons...) It talks about understanding the impacts of ICT on agriculture, too. Finally this book is critical to creating sustainable interventions as well as business models that will support the martialing forward of agriculture projects and investments that use ICT.It helps you has intending to engage with other practitioners and offers you opportunities for interaction with other interested people.

                                                 ¡You Check the video and you know more!

    ICT in Colombia.

    Does Colombia live digital?

    Colombia has an organization that works to promote the use and appropriation of ICT, it called Colombia Digital. Until now this organization has worked in the education productive and governmental sectors, among other.

    • MINICT:
    "It drives the great technological leap through the mass use of the Internet to reduce poverty and create jobs. To achieve the Plan promotes the country's digital ecosystem comprised of four major components: Infrastructure, services, applications and users."

    • Colombia's Education with ICT:

    Ministry of Education has program only for the teachers, this program is ICT-Create: Inspire, Create and Design Learning with ICT:
    It is a project helps to the taechers can develop necessary skills and competencies about handling technology. It teachers them to choose and use correctly the ICT's tools for a better teaching. It has also some tools wich help them (in-Class, virtual classes). The objective of them are to change education and the teachers know to do educational classes where they used ICT. When they finish the project, they will have a certification as a Teacher with ICT Skills and they will have a better teaching to their students.

    • Teleworking:
    "The form of work organizated and consisting of the performance of remunerated activities or services to third parties using as support the information and communications technology - ICT for contact between the worker and the company, without requiring the physical presence of workers in a specific workplace."

    •  Agro and ICT

    With this project the peasants can implement some electronic tools to their work and they will better and ease their work.
    Moreover, ICT helps them to provide information to farmers and rural areas:

    -Information Network.
    -Agricultural Sector Strategic Communications.
    -Information System of Affordable Housing: It gives them subsidies for houses under contruction.
    -Sinigan: It is a softwaqre tool to identify cattle and buffaloes.
    -Finagro: It is a virtual training about banking and mobile services.
    - Agricultural Bank.

    • Intelligent Building:
    These were create to facilitate everyday situations of people through technology.
    In Colombia there are the following Intelligent Building:

    • Airport El Dorado.
    • Building Bancolombia.
    • Building Avianca.

          He is Minister of ICT, if you want know his thinking about Colombia and ICT... ¡Check it!